Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Roamin in Rome

Ciao! Well my first impression of Rome wasn´t what I thought it was going to be. It wasn´t pasta galore, old buildings galore, or gladiator galore. It was Johnny and I trecking with BOTH packs in the 90 degree weather on the outskirts of Rome. We got off waaaaay too early on the metro and had to walk our way to civilization. After about 3 hours of walking and gulping down the camelback, we finally found some Wi-fi (a daily activity for us). We looked pretty homeless sitting on some corner with all of our bags on the ground and bags under my eyes. But it didn´t even matter at that point. Johnny found a hostel on the palm piolet and booked it right away. We got to the Ciak Hostel and crashed for a couple hours. The place was very nice, we had our own shower, TV, some Italian movies, and a roomate name Luigi. He had a brother named Mario. Just Kidding.

Once we regained some energy we walked to the Pantheon. We listened to our Rick Steves podcast and took the tour of the place. Pretty cool, pretty old. After that we walked around most of the Piazzas, but our favorite was Piazza Navona. We had dinner there and had some Italian fetticchini and spaghetti. Later we found a bench and made a daily visit. We declared it ours (because it was the only hotspot for wi-fi).

The next day we had to move hostels because ours was taken over by these Chinese people. So we found one a couple blocks over and relocated ourselves. We toured the Colosseum with Rick Steves and replayed scenes in our head from ¨Gladiator.¨ Later that night we met up with Laura and the newly engaged Mark and Larissa Zini. It was fun hanging out with some familiar faces. We went to the Spanish steps and got asked a million times if we wanted to buy roses from all these Middle Eastern guys. Sooo annoying. It was the Zini´s last night so we all got gelatos. We went to a place with 100 flavors! It was so hard to choose!


1 comment:

Julianna Oleynik Cario said...

Also, the guys dressed like gladiators expect to be paid after you take a picture with them! All they did was smile!