Saturday, July 26, 2008

Playin in Praha, Amsterdam

And now, the moment you've all (MOM) been waiting for - Dun Dun Dun our Europe blog is back in action!!!
(note to Google- you should probably add a few more servers to to the rush of traffic that's going to be generated when this posts).

Well folks, as of now we can't upload pictures because of a restriction on the computers in the hostel, so I guess to make up for it we'll have to write 1000 words for every picture we've taken thus far. Just Kiddding!

Ally and I have been having a great time for the first four days of our European adventure. We started in Amsterdam for a day, toured the Anne Frank house and the Van Gogh museum, napped in Vondelpark, and sipped mojitos at Cafe Cuba. We were pretty tired the whole day after only sleeping 2-3 hours on the plane, so we checked in to our four star accomodations at Amsterdam Schiphol around 12 (the sun didnt go down until 10:30pm in Amsterdam). Have any of you seen Unaccompanied Minors? Well the night was kinda like that minus the minors.
Anyways we made it to Prague at 8:30am and tried to check into the hostel, but found that we
couldn't until 2pm. So even though we were on 4 hours of sleep in two days, we decided to make something of the time we had and explore some of the city.
We visited the Charles Bridge, built in the 1300s? by King Charles IV.

Hey it's AO. Yes, we did visit the bridge, but only made it about half way across...then we had to sit down. After sitting against the bridge wall for about .2 seconds we passed out with our sunglasses on. If I have learned anything so far on this is `How to fall asleep anywhere.` Once we woke up, we realized there was a crowd of tourists around us taking pictures of one of the statues next to us. We were rejuvinated to the end of the bridge, then we saw a park. *Lightbulb* This was the perfect place to nap. We found two benches and collapsed. Johnny tried to make it look like he wasn't sleeping by sleeping sitting up, but I was much more comfortable looking like a bum all sprawled out. I believe there is picture evidence of this.